SYBU for Kodi - FAQ and Questions

App Crashes on launch on iOS 14.2

This has been reported by several users and seems to affect various Apps.

Try either of the following:

Option 1: Uninstall and reinstall the App

Option 2: Set the "Offload App" in iOS settings. ( Settings > Storage > Sybu Kodi > Offload App)

I have upgraded to Kodi v17, on my Android device, I don't see the Zeroconf setting in the Kodi settings. The remote does not autodiscover Kodi

On Kodi v17 on Android it seems that Zeroconf configuration option has been removed from Kodi Android distributions.

This include devices like the Amazon Fire Tv, Fire TV Stick, etc

This effective prevents the remote from autodiscovering the Kodi device.

On the Sybu Remote, on the Setup screen, you will manually need to enter the IP address in the hostname field, for the remote to connect to Kodi device.

See Setup instructions

Does the App work over 3G/4G/5G ?

Yes, this is supported in SYBU for Kodi v3 and later

WoL - Wake On Lan - I have upgraded my phone to iOS 10.2 and cant wake up the box anymore

Update to V3 - to resolve this issue.

Previous answer : for Sybu for Kodi v2

Apple has made significant changes to networking in iOS 10.2 and now restricts the automatic detection of a MAC address. This address is required to for Wake-on-LAN. As of iOS 10.2, the Sybu App cannot correctly determine this address (you will notice it will display 02:00:00:00:00:00 - which is incorrect) and it will not wake-up the device.

All Apps are restricted from using this functionality. However I have noticed an App called 'Fing' that for the moment still manages to automatically find it correctly. It also has a feature for Wake-On-Lan. You can consider to download and use it to wake the device.

We are working on an update, that will allow for manual setup of the MAC address, which will resolve the issue.

What is Zeroconf / Bonjour? Do I need to install it?

Read my more detail comments here on Zeroconf for Linux, Ubuntu and Windows.

It is software from Apple that allow for discovery of computers and devices on the network by its name and allows for ZeroConf (zero configuration of network setup) It is typically already installed on Apple computers, and on Windows computers that have iTunes installed. If you want the Remote Control to automatic discover a Windows (that does not already have iTunes installed ) or an Ubuntu computer then install it, otherwise don't use automatic host discovery on the remote control and just set the IP address.

Read more here

Download for Windows here

When enabling 'Allow control of Kodi via HTTP' and Kodi reports error Webserver 'Failed to start'

Another service is already running on the port that you have selected on Kodi.

On Kodi Change to another port.

System > Settings > Services > Webserver-Port

Remote - What key is required to access the context menu?

For version 1.50 and later, press the button to the right of the navigator with 'C'

Can I use 2 remotes at same time to control same Kodi box?


Can I remove items from the playlist?

With v1.50 and later:

Yes, swipe your finger across the item in the playlist. It will prompt you to delete the item.

URL Scheme: Is there a url scheme for the App? I would like to call the app from the bitwise controller app

Yes, You can open/launch the App from another App or Safari with following scheme:


How to queue album? Select playlist in file list? Select multiple files in file list?

Perform a search, or select the artist, then the album. The list of songs will be displayed.

On the header of the list of songs, you will see Play and Queue (+) buttons.

The app shows 'No WiFi', when my WiFi is on. What is the problem?

This was issue on older versions of Sybu for Kodi, upgrade to v3.00 to resolve.


Please let us know if you have found a bug, have a question or feature request on our Support page